100 Dollars to Naira Black Market Exchange Rate Today 5th March 2024. This article is all about the current exchange rate of our local currency against dollar ($).
How much is 100 dollars to naira today in the black market?
Today 5th of March 2024 the exchange rate of $100 against naira is
- Buying rate: 155,000 naira which 1 dollar cost 1,550 naira
- Selling rate: 157,600 naira which 1 dollar is 1,576 naira
This actually means that if you are going to buy $100 you are going to pay 155,000 naira while if you are going to exchange by selling your $100 you are going to get 157,600 naira.
Take note
The rate of dollar vary depend on the vendor you are getting your dollar from or selling your dollar to. And also dollar operate with denomination, the rate of $100 and the exchange rate of $1 are not the same.
CBN Rate
The current price of dollar in Central Bank Of Nigeria (CBN) pegs the 100 dollars to naira exchange at 88,689 naira. This official rate is what is applicable for CBN interventions and transactions.
[…] Click Here to know the exchange rate of $100 in Nigeria […]